
23 Reasons Why Your Sister Is The Best Friend You Will Ever Have

23 Reasons Why Your Sister Is The Best Friend You Will Ever Have

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I’m not afraid to admit that I have a placard on my bedroom wall that reads ‘forever my sister, forever my friend’. Cringe, yes, but when I think about it it’s totally true and I don’t care who knows it.
If you have a sister you probably bloody love them. When you spend long times apart you’ll message her and say that you miss her. However, when you get back together, open your wardrobe and find she’s ‘borrowed’ that top you were desperate to wear, suddenly all those loving thoughts go out the window and you feel your inner lioness rising from within you, you want to attack. Well, maybe that last bit is just me, but you get what I mean. You love them with every inch of your heart, yet at the same time they can be so infuriating, all siblings are, it’s programmed into our brains.
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Don’t get me wrong, sisters don’t always get on like a house on fire. When I was young my big sis and I couldn’t stand each other, mainly because I was a raging tomboy and she was the polar opposite. All I wanted to do was play football and all she wanted to do was kick it over the fence or pester me asking to plait my hair or paint my nails, she had better luck with the cat (in fact, that actually happened).
However, 22 years down the line and we are now like two peas in a pod. Of course we bicker and call each other pretty nasty names at times, but at the end of the day I wouldn’t have her any other way. Why? Because for me a girl without her sister is like a bird without wings.
Here are a few reasons why sisters are irreplaceable and probably the best friend you’ll ever have.
1. You can always rely on them in times of need
2. If you want brutal honesty, she’s your girl 
3. Her wardrobe is always open, even if she doesn’t know it
4. You’ll feel an enormous sense of pride for them
5. She understands your deep love for your pets and understands that if you had to choose between them or the dog, you’d choose the dog and she’s ok with that
6.She accepts your darkest flaws
7. She knows your deepest darkest secrets
8. When you laugh, you LAUGH
9. And when you argue it’s like World War Three, but it’s only because you care 
10. You often require their approval
11. You bond over family shit
12. If you get into trouble you can always rely on them to have your back no matter what 
13. She’ll be the person you call when it’s not yet acceptable to call mum 
14. But she knows when it is
15. She’ll stop you from buying that top because she knows you’ve got 20 at home
16. You can learn from each others mistakes, well at least I did 
17. Regardless of whether or not you live miles apart, she’ll always be with you
18. She will not let you commit a fashion sin 
19. When something is wrong she knows instantly
20. It’s like your telepathic 
21. When you have kids she’ll probably be your go to babysitter (even if she doesn’t know it yet)
22. She’s pretty good at the advice stuff 
23. And she’ll love you no matter what because Katy Perry was right, she’ll “love you unconditionally” 
Your relationship can be bipolar, but regardless, you were bound together by birth and you thank god every day that you were. Cheers to that sisters of the world!

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